CEO Wynne Nowland Speaks on The Wall Street Journal’s “Women In” Panel

We’re proud to share CEO Wynne Nowland spoke on The Wall Street Journal’s Women In | Boosting Your Financial and Professional Parachute panel! Wynne discussed how to prepare for risk, why to work with a financial planner, reasons to purchase life and disability insurance sooner rather than later, and how leaders can empower employees to bring their authentic selves to work.

We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than by watching this inspiring group of women!

Long Island Press Publishes Feature Article on CEO Wynne Nowland

Long Island Press recently published a Q&A story featuring CEO Wynne Nowland’s point of view on a variety of topics, including her experience transitioning genders, reasons as to why companies aren’t likely to have insurance coverage for the pandemic and how insurance companies have been supporting individuals and businesses amid COVID-19. Read the full article to learn more about Wynne’s personal story and if the insurance industry is expected to offer pandemic-type coverage in the future.

CEO Wynne Nowland Pens an Article for CEOWORLD magazine

Businesses and institutions have prioritized diversity and inclusion for many years now, though some continue to struggle to make progress toward their goals. By now, most companies have written policies regarding equal opportunity for all, but the challenge for many seems to be converting those policies into real results. As CEO Wynne Nowland explains in the article she wrote for CEOWORLD magazine, companies that are truly serious about improving their practices need to do considerably more than having a well written section in their employee manual. They need to consciously foster diversity and inclusion.

Visit the article to learn three steps companies can take to attract top talent, drive innovative results and ensure employees feel comfortable being their most authentic selves.

CEO Wynne Nowland Bylines an Article for Risk Management Monitor

Wynne Nowland, CEO of Bradley & Parker, wrote an article about strengthening diversity, equity and inclusion efforts in the workplace for Risk Management Magazine. Wynne said it best in the article:

“Society has a legal and moral obligation to extend equal opportunity to all people—regardless of gender, gender presentation, sexuality, sexual orientation, skin color, social class, religion and age, among other factors. But there is also a strict business dollars-and-cents reason for doing so: judging people on their talents and their potential, regardless of any of the factors above, means that you are getting the best people available. Discriminatory hiring practices simply dilute the talent pool.”

Visit the article to read more of Wynne’s point of view on DEI.

CEO Wynne Nowland Pens an Article for Business Insurance

As our CEO Wynne Nowland shares in an article she penned for Business Insurance, “The gender representation of anyone should be a non-event. I think most of us believe that businesspeople should be judged for their performance on the job and their ethics rather than by their gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, skin color, social class, religion or age. Regrettably, though, we also know that frequently isn’t the case.”

Wynne transitioned her gender 3.5 years ago and it was business as usual here at Bradley & Parker. Visit this link to learn more about how Wynne shared her gender transition with employees, board members, customers and vendors, a recount of her first morning waking up as a woman, and the feedback – both positive and negative – she has received since she came out as transgender.