HR Works Presents A Seat at the Table: Implementing a Preferred Name at Work

I am thrilled to have been featured on the HR Works podcast, A Seat At the Table.

Check out this episode to see me dive into the crucial topic of implementing a preferred name at work. As a trailblazing transgender CEO, I’ve experienced firsthand the transformative power of embracing authenticity in the workplace.

Join me as we explore practical strategies, actionable insights, and best practices for creating an inclusive environment where individuals can use their preferred names with pride. Together, we can ensure that every employee feels seen, respected, and valued.

#EmbracingAuthenticity #PreferredNames #InclusiveWorkplace #PodcastGuest #TransCEO #EmpoweringConversations #DiversityandInclusion #BeYourself #ListenandLearn

If you’re interested in listening to the full podcast, you can listen here:


The Making Of A Transgender Executive

In recent years, there has been much progress toward the acceptance of transgender people. Still- there remains a need for more trans leaders and mentors in the business space.

As a transgender CEO, I acknowledge my responsibility to be a mentor and representative of the LGBTQIA+ community. Check out my comments in California Business Journal to read more about creating an environment of success for all employees.

#DEI #CEO #WorkplaceDiscrimination #LGBTQ #Trans #HumanResources #HR #Canda #Transgender #Ally #Workplace #Mentors #Mentorship #BusinessMentor
#TransMentor #LGBTQMentors #CBJ

If you’re interested in reading the whole article, you may find it here:


A CEO in her 50s, She Was Scared to Publicly Transition. She Didn’t Expect What Came Next

June 21, 2022, Wynne Nowland was featured in USA Today to share a bit of detail about her coming out story!

We are so proud of our CEO, Wynne Nowland, for her continued success in sharing her story with USA Today and the rest of the world. As a CEO in her 50’s, Wynne was nervous about the possible backlash when transitioning publicly. In the article with USA Today, Wynne will go into detail about the support she felt when transitioning and how it was different than what she expected.

Read more about her positive coming-out experience and her mission to help others see the positives of transitioning using this link!


Wynne Nowland of Bradley & Parker: How To Learn To Finally Love Yourself

Recently I, Wynne Nowland, had the pleasure of being interviewed by Authority Magazine on Learning How To Finally Love Yourself. The article does a wonderful job at sharing my experiences of how I grew into a leader, the challenges I faced with coming out, and more. The main points of the discussion were 5 strategies that I’ve implemented to maintain a connection with and love for myself. The first one is to identify your strengths and focus on making them stronger, and identify your weaknesses and try to correct them. This was actually on an old Honeymooners episode and it resonated with me when I first saw it as a child. It stuck with me ever since.

We also discussed why people struggle to love themselves as there are so many people who don’t like the way they look, why people tend to stay in mediocre relationships, why it’s important to self-reflect, and how many people don’t know how to be alone.

I think the last topic is something that a lot of people don’t think about until they’re a bit older. In my interview where I talk about how to be alone, I shared this: “With respect to relationships, so many people relationship up. They go from one to another without ever taking the time to be alone with themselves and self-reflective. And, unfortunately, I think that just leads to more relationship hopping. And even when in a secure relationship I think a long time is important. I think the ability to kind of entertain ourselves is crucial, whether that’s taking a run, watching a favorite TV show that you love that nobody else wants to tolerate, or losing yourself in a good book. All of those are good ways.”

To read the entire interview Wynne Nowland of Bradley & Parker: How To Learn To Finally Love Yourself and learn about my take on learning how to finally love yourself, check out the link!

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Chief Executive Publishes Feature Article on CEO Wynne Nowland

CEO Wynne Nowland connected with CJ Prince during Pride Month to discuss her coming out experience and offer advice on how CEOs can make their company cultures more welcoming and accepting for LGBTQ people. Consider reading the Chief Executive Group article here for Wynne’s perspective on the following questions, among others:

  • How can CEOs level the playing field inside their companies specifically for #transgender employees?
  • What can they do to make lasting change as opposed to just sending out an email once a year during #Pride Month?
  • Why are you being more vocal about telling your story now?
  • Have you heard from a lot of people since speaking openly?
  • Do you have thoughts about what metrics should be tracked regarding transgender #inclusion?

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