Chief Executive Publishes Feature Article on CEO Wynne Nowland

CEO Wynne Nowland connected with CJ Prince during Pride Month to discuss her coming out experience and offer advice on how CEOs can make their company cultures more welcoming and accepting for LGBTQ people. Consider reading the Chief Executive Group article here for Wynne’s perspective on the following questions, among others:

  • How can CEOs level the playing field inside their companies specifically for #transgender employees?
  • What can they do to make lasting change as opposed to just sending out an email once a year during #Pride Month?
  • Why are you being more vocal about telling your story now?
  • Have you heard from a lot of people since speaking openly?
  • Do you have thoughts about what metrics should be tracked regarding transgender #inclusion?

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CEO Wynne Nowland Speaks on Long Island Business News’ D&I Panel

CEO Wynne Nowland recently had the opportunity to speak on Long Island Business News’ panel alongside other leaders in Long Island’s diversity and inclusion community. During the discussion, Wynne shared how Bradley & Parker has lived its values of diversity and inclusion from the very beginning – long before she became CEO – and how our company continues to adapt to workplace needs and priorities over the years. She also explained how there are sound business reasons to diversify teams at all levels, as it leads to an increase in above-average work product and ideation.

Thank you to Long Island Business News for including Wynne on such an informative and insightful panel, which was included as part of LIBN’s Diversity in Business Awards program!

CEO Wynne Nowland Pens an Article for CEOWORLD magazine

Businesses and institutions have prioritized diversity and inclusion for many years now, though some continue to struggle to make progress toward their goals. By now, most companies have written policies regarding equal opportunity for all, but the challenge for many seems to be converting those policies into real results. As CEO Wynne Nowland explains in the article she wrote for CEOWORLD magazine, companies that are truly serious about improving their practices need to do considerably more than having a well written section in their employee manual. They need to consciously foster diversity and inclusion.

Visit the article to learn three steps companies can take to attract top talent, drive innovative results and ensure employees feel comfortable being their most authentic selves.