CEO Wynne Nowland Pens an Article for Business Insurance

As our CEO Wynne Nowland shares in an article she penned for Business Insurance, “The gender representation of anyone should be a non-event. I think most of us believe that businesspeople should be judged for their performance on the job and their ethics rather than by their gender, sexuality, sexual orientation, skin color, social class, religion or age. Regrettably, though, we also know that frequently isn’t the case.”

Wynne transitioned her gender 3.5 years ago and it was business as usual here at Bradley & Parker. Visit this link to learn more about how Wynne shared her gender transition with employees, board members, customers and vendors, a recount of her first morning waking up as a woman, and the feedback – both positive and negative – she has received since she came out as transgender.

Newsday Publishes Feature Article on CEO Wynne Nowland

We’re so proud to share that Newsday Media Group featured CEO Wynne Nowland in a cover story about how she guided Bradley & Parker through her gender transition. If you don’t know by now, Wynne pulled into our Melville, NY office for the first time as a woman 3.5 years ago, and entered wearing a baby blue blouse, heels and a pair of Tiffany earrings that had once belonged to her mother.

Only a handful of people have come out as transgender while leading a company, especially in an industry like insurance that’s often considered staid and traditional. Our boss navigated this unchartered territory through careful planning, which in turn led to creating an authentic workplace that has been able to grow revenues by 20% since 2017.

Thank you to Wynne for continuing to share her experience publicly, both to inspire other transgender people and help normalize the public’s perception of transgender individuals. Visit this link to read the full story.