NextAdvisor Quotes SVP Joe Sellitto in an Article on Joint Life Insurance

NextAdvisor included commentary from Joe Sellitto, Senior Vice President at Bradley & Parker, in their article about joint life insurance. The informational piece covers how a joint life insurance policy works and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of policy.

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Chief Executive Publishes Feature Article on CEO Wynne Nowland

CEO Wynne Nowland connected with CJ Prince during Pride Month to discuss her coming out experience and offer advice on how CEOs can make their company cultures more welcoming and accepting for LGBTQ people. Consider reading the Chief Executive Group article here for Wynne’s perspective on the following questions, among others:

  • How can CEOs level the playing field inside their companies specifically for #transgender employees?
  • What can they do to make lasting change as opposed to just sending out an email once a year during #Pride Month?
  • Why are you being more vocal about telling your story now?
  • Have you heard from a lot of people since speaking openly?
  • Do you have thoughts about what metrics should be tracked regarding transgender #inclusion?

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CEO Wynne Nowland Bylines an Article for Financial Executives International

As the one-year mark of this seemingly relentless pandemic in the United States has come and gone, business owners and executives are considering the insurance industry’s likely response to this time of economic turmoil. CEO Wynne Nowland penned an article for Financial Executives International (FEI) about how businesses will be seeking pandemic-type insurance in the future. In the article, Wynne explains how it’s doubtful there will be a wholesale change for insurance coverage in this current pandemic, but it’s possible, and even likely, coverage will be offered for this type of loss moving forward. In fact, something similar happened after 9/11 when the government backed insurers in providing separate terrorist coverage for businesses.

CNBC Make It Publishes Feature Article on CEO Wynne Nowland

“Once you have come to the conclusion that this is who you are … don’t delay.” That’s the biggest lesson CEO Wynne Nowland learned through her gender transition in mid-2017, as she shared with Jade Scipioni, senior reporter at CNBC, during their interview to discuss her coming out story.

If you aren’t familiar, it wasn’t until a few weeks after her 56th birthday in 2017 and four months after promotion to CEO that Wynne had an “awakening” and decided she couldn’t hide her true self any longer.

“It was kind of a progression. At one point, if you had asked me “Do you think you’ll ever do this?” my answer would have been, “No, never.” Then at some point it became, “Well, maybe I could do this,” to “I can do this” to “I’m going to do this.”

Wynne’s advice for people going through a similar life change is consistent: I think it’s important to avail yourself of the professional help that’s out there to help guide you through what can be a confusing time. But once you’ve come to the conclusion that this is who you are, don’t delay. Because that’s my biggest regret. I waited until I was 56 to do this. However, I do give myself a little wiggle room there because I was brought up in a far different time.

You can read the full CNBC Make It article to learn more about Wynne’s transition.

CEO Wynne Nowland Speaks on The Wall Street Journal’s “Women In” Panel

We’re proud to share CEO Wynne Nowland spoke on The Wall Street Journal’s Women In | Boosting Your Financial and Professional Parachute panel! Wynne discussed how to prepare for risk, why to work with a financial planner, reasons to purchase life and disability insurance sooner rather than later, and how leaders can empower employees to bring their authentic selves to work.

We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than by watching this inspiring group of women!