SHRM Quotes SVP Joe Sellitto in an Article on Pooled Employer Plans

SHRM recently published an article on how pooled employer plans may give smaller organizations the advantages of a large 401(k). If you aren’t familiar, PEPs are retirement plans that allow unrelated businesses to join a single plan that’s set up and administered by a professional plan provider (PPP).

Joe Sellitto, Senior Vice President at Bradley & Parker, was quoted in the article on how PEPs provide small businesses with a way to access the same investment options as a larger company, but at a reduced cost and with a reduction in the employer’s fiduciary responsibilities. Visit the article for more information on how PEPs can provide better and less expensive investment options for participants.

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SVP Joe Sellitto Pens an Article on Self-Funded Plans for NonProfit PRO

Joe Sellitto, Senior Vice President of Employee Benefits at Bradley & Parker, penned an article for NonProfit PRO about the value of self-funded plans for nonprofits. As Joe shares in the piece, the conventional wisdom in today’s health insurance marketplace holds that nonprofits shouldn’t consider a self-funded health insurance model because cash flow concerns make such a plan too risky. This notion is false, however. Nonprofits that transition to a self-funded plan will usually see a small cost savings in the first year, but over a five-year period, the savings can often be 20-40%.

So, how can a nonprofit decide if a self-funded medical program is right for their organization? It starts by working with a knowledgeable health insurance consultant who can properly guide them. Visit the article to learn more.

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NextAdvisor Quotes SVP Joe Sellitto in an Article on Joint Life Insurance

NextAdvisor included commentary from Joe Sellitto, Senior Vice President at Bradley & Parker, in their article about joint life insurance. The informational piece covers how a joint life insurance policy works and the advantages and disadvantages of this type of policy.

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SVP Joe Sellitto Quoted in on 401k Data

Joe Sellitto, Senior Vice President at Bradley & Parker, was quoted in’s article about how 401k participant data can be used, as there’s more to a participant’s financial picture than the 401k account. As Joe shared in the piece, “Like other important decisions, the more current financial data a participant has available to them, the easier it is to make solid, informed decisions about their finances.”

Do you think it’s in the best interest of plan participants to combine their personal financial data with their 401k data to better approach long-term planning? Visit the article to read more on this topic.

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