CEO Wynne Nowland Bylines an Article for Financial Executives International

As the one-year mark of this seemingly relentless pandemic in the United States has come and gone, business owners and executives are considering the insurance industry’s likely response to this time of economic turmoil. CEO Wynne Nowland penned an article for Financial Executives International (FEI) about how businesses will be seeking pandemic-type insurance in the future. In the article, Wynne explains how it’s doubtful there will be a wholesale change for insurance coverage in this current pandemic, but it’s possible, and even likely, coverage will be offered for this type of loss moving forward. In fact, something similar happened after 9/11 when the government backed insurers in providing separate terrorist coverage for businesses.

Long Island Press Publishes Feature Article on CEO Wynne Nowland

Long Island Press recently published a Q&A story featuring CEO Wynne Nowland’s point of view on a variety of topics, including her experience transitioning genders, reasons as to why companies aren’t likely to have insurance coverage for the pandemic and how insurance companies have been supporting individuals and businesses amid COVID-19. Read the full article to learn more about Wynne’s personal story and if the insurance industry is expected to offer pandemic-type coverage in the future.

CEO Wynne Nowland Bylines an Article for BOSS Magazine

CEO of Bradley & Parker Wynne Nowland penned an article for BOSS Magazine about how the insurance industry is navigating downward pressures during COVID-19. In the piece, Wynne explains several of these pressures, makes note of how sales teams have had to be resilient in their shift to virtual meetings and presentations to win new business, and provides an outlook on what the future may hold for the industry.

As Wynne explains, “For now, it is important that the insurance industry focuses on navigating through these downward pressures to keep their business stable and healthy. Equally important, if not more so, is ensuring customers can remain stable as well. After all, their success and survival are paramount to the success and survival of the insurance industry.”

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