9 Members of the LGBTQ+ Community Respond to House Passing Bill to Protect Same-Sex Marriage

July 26, 2022, Wynne Nowland was featured on Popsugar.com sharing her comments in response to the House passing a bill to protect same-sex marriage.

“It’s always seemed to me that a marriage should be between two people who were committed to each other, and their individual genders really shouldn’t matter much.” -Wynne Nowland

To read more about our CEO, Wynne Nowland’s, thoughts on same-sex marriage check out the full article using this link!


Wynne Nowland In Business Insider: “I’m a trans CEO in a conservative industry. I thought coming out would upend my career, but it didn’t.”

July 22, 2022, Wynne Nowland was featured in Business Insider:

“You don’t get to be successful in business if you’re shy. But just a few hours before [I went into work], I’d sent an email to my entire company, in which I came out as a transgender woman and shared my new name and pronouns.” – Wynne Nowland

Read about how our CEO, Wynne Nowland, shares her fears prior to coming out to her company and the unexpected reactions from her staff, partners, and clients after.

To read the entire interview from Wynne Nowland In Business Insider : “I’m a trans CEO in a conservative industry. I thought coming out would upend my career, but it didn’t” check out the link!